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Best Home Remedies for an Ear Infection

The Best At-Home Remedies for an Ear Infection Ear infections can be quite common and affect people of all ages, especially children. Luckily, not all ear infections are caused by bacteria, which means they don’t always require prescription medication. In fact, many mild cases can be treated with simple home remedies. While some symptoms may signal a need for professional care, ear […]

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Hearing Facts: What You Didn’t Know About Ears

Did you know the human ear is one of the most remarkable organs in the body? American Hearing Centers in New Jersey are focused on ear health, and the more you know about your ears, the more prepared you’ll be to protect your hearing. From their intricate design to their incredible functions, ears are a marvel of nature. We often take the […]

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Hearing Health


Allergies and Hearing Loss

Allergies and Hearing Loss People typically associate allergies with sneezing and watery eyes, but since your ears can also be affected, American Hearing Centers in New Jersey want patients to understand how allergies can cause hearing loss. For allergy sufferers and those with existing hearing problems, knowing the connection between allergens and hearing health is crucial.  What Causes Allergies? Why do we […]

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Hearing Health


Why Do My Ears Itch?

Whether it’s a nagging tickling sensation or a painful burning, ear relief for itchiness and discomfort can be hard to come by unless you know why it’s happening. American Hearing Centers in New Jersey are committed to ear health and speak with many patients who bring up concerns about itchiness and discomfort when discussing hearing loss. What lies behind this irritating phenomenon? […]

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Hearing Health


Do I Need a Hearing Test?

Hearing is a critical sense that enables us to communicate, stay connected with the world, and enjoy life’s great sounds. American Hearing Centers in New Jersey are dedicated to addressing your hearing health. Do I need a hearing test? How often should it be done? These are common questions we hear from patients frequently. Exploring the importance of these tests and the […]

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