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Best Home Remedies for an Ear Infection

A woman in New Jersey shops for over the counter ear drops to relieve minor pain.
– 6 minute read

The Best At-Home Remedies for an Ear Infection

Ear infections can be quite common and affect people of all ages, especially children. Luckily, not all ear infections are caused by bacteria, which means they don’t always require prescription medication. In fact, many mild cases can be treated with simple home remedies.

While some symptoms may signal a need for professional care, ear infection treatment can be managed at home using safe and effective methods. In many situations, an at-home remedy can provide quick relief from discomfort and help manage ear pain without the need for antibiotics.

Natural Ways to Soothe Ear Pain

Ear infections can cause intense pain, inflammation, and even fever. To get relief from your symptoms, here are some safe, natural antidotes that you can try at home:

Warm & Cold Compresses

Compresses can work wonders when an ear infection causes pain. Both warm and cold options are great choices. You can use a warm compress, like a heating pad or a damp washcloth, to help provide comfort. Simply place it over the affected ear for about ten minutes. Cooling down with an ice pack is also effective.

If you prefer, you can alternate between warm and cold compresses after ten minutes to find what feels best. This simple and safe method is suitable for both kids and adults, allowing you to find ear pain relief right at home.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage ear pain. Store-bought medications like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are safe options for easing discomfort from ear infections. These medicines work well to reduce pain whether or not antibiotics are needed. Always stick to the dosing instructions found on the packaging to ensure safety.

If you’re considering these pain relievers for children, consult with a doctor for the correct dosage. Many options are available in child-friendly formulations, but remember that aspirin should never be given to children under 16.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be a helpful remedy for earaches, especially when earwax buildup is the issue. To try this, place a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear that hurts. Let it sit for a few minutes so it can do its work, then allow it to drain into a sink. After that, rinse the ear with clean, distilled water to finish up. This simple method can bring comfort in no time!

Naturopathic Ear Drops

Naturopathic ear drops are made from natural herbal extracts and can be a helpful remedy for ear pain. All-natural ear drops are available online and in some drug stores. Some early studies suggest that drops made with herbal ingredients mixed in olive oil might work just as well or even better than standard over-the-counter options. While nature-based ear drops may help with ear pain, they might not completely treat an ear infection.

Olive Oil

Olive oil has mild antibacterial properties and can be a simple, gentle option for alleviating an earache. While scientific proof is limited, many people find that a few warmed drops of olive oil in the ear may bring comfort. Make sure the oil is heated only to body temperature. Always check with your doctor or a hearing healthcare professional before using this method, especially for young children.


Ginger can be a helpful remedy for easing ear pain thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory properties. You can apply ginger juice or warm ginger-infused oil around the outer ear canal. Just be sure not to put it directly in the ear.


Garlic can be a great choice for easing ear pain because it has natural antibiotic and pain-relieving properties. Try soaking crushed garlic in warm olive or sesame oil for a few minutes. Strain out the garlic and gently apply the oil to the ear canal for soothing relief.

Sleep Position Matters

Certain sleep positions can really aggravate ear pain. Try resting with the affected ear raised instead of pressed against the pillow. This makes it easier for fluid to drain, which can help with discomfort. Using extra pillows to elevate your head can also support quicker draining and provide better comfort while you or your child sleeps.

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic adjustments may help with ear pain for some people. While research on this is limited, some people have found relief after visiting a chiropractor. Adjustments may improve the overall function of the body, which could play a role in reducing discomfort. Always consult a doctor first to determine the cause of your pain.

When Should I Use a Home Remedy?

Using home remedies for ear pain can work wonders when the issue is an ear infection. These remedies are great for managing mild pain and discomfort while the body fights off the infection. If ear pain is caused by something else, such as a dental issue, you’ll want to address that problem directly with a dentist.

Always reach out to a pediatrician for advice when children experience ear pain, especially for those under two years old. If a child has a high fever or a fever that lasts more than a day, seek medical care for proper treatment. Guidelines for high fever in young children are:

  • A rectal temperature of 100.4ºF for infants under three months
  • 102ºF for children aged three months to three years

Any child of any age with a fever of 104ºF or higher needs prompt medical attention. Your doctor can help determine if home remedies are appropriate or if antibiotics are necessary.

Ear Pain Is Disruptive. We’re Here to Help.

Alternative remedies for treating an ear infection at home can offer quick comfort. While research on the efficacy of these at-home ear pain treatments varies, many people find that these simple solutions help ease discomfort when an infection strikes.

Some health professionals suggest focusing on managing pain rather than instantly resorting to antibiotics. As ear infections often resolve on their own, it’s encouraging to know you can take simple steps at home to feel better. For serious pain, it’s always best to seek emergency care. If you or your child is struggling with immense ear pain, schedule an appointment online or contact us directly at American Hearing Centers today.

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